Moreover and, in order to get your application exponentially successful, it is our recommendation and important for a client to visit NZ and to meet us personally, as soon as the NZ corporate entity has been registered, so that he may:
Understand the business climate in NZ and our approach to new business ventures, which are always positive, provided the client has a proposition, which is of benefit to NZ as well, and not merely to trade off on our good national reputation;
Meet his banking representative to open a full NZ bank account;
Meet his/her part time NZ Manager, either recruited by ourselves, as per Client’s request and instructions, or even if directly and locally recruited by the Client;
Have a look at the prospective part time office set up at Regus or elsewhere – service we shall be very pleased to provide you and assist you with;
Discuss with us in person!
Discuss with us in person, all the other issues likely to arise during and post FSP Registration, such as employing a full time experienced manager, who will run the operation from their NZ office, business plans, etc.